Monday, September 29, 2008

Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1429 H

Jika HARTA adalah RACUN, ZAKAT lah penawarnya, Jika UMUR adalah DOSA, maka TAQWA & TAUBAT lah Obatnya, Jika seluruh BULAN adalah NODA maka RAMADHAN lah pemutihnya. “Selamat Idul Fitri 1429 H”, Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin.

Andai jemari tak berjabat, mata tak bertatap, salam tak terucap, untuk hati yang penuh prasangka, Allahu akbar..3X, beriring gema takbir tulus hati.. JIHAD… memohon maaf, harapkan kefitrahan jiwa… S’LAMAT IDUL FITRI 1429 H. MINAL AIDIN WAL FAIDZIN

Definition of Information Technology

Information technology has been defined by the Information Technology Association of America, or the ITAA as being the study, design, development, implementation support and/or management of any computer based information systems. This relates particularly to software applications and computer hardware. Information technology deals with using electronic computers and software to convert, store, protect, process, retrieve with security or transmit any information. What began many years ago as a term that many had no awareness of to a term that has skyrocketed to include several aspects of computing and technology. IT is a wide based term and encompasses many areas. Professionals in information technology may perform a wide variety of tasks that range from installing computer applications to designing widely complex computer networks and information databases.

Everything from data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, software design, database design and management and administration of systems is included in the term of information technology. When covering the aspects of IT as a whole, the use of computers and information are typically associated.

The history of IT goes back several years. In order to perform the functions associated with the field of technology the modern field will use computers, servers, database management systems and cryptography.

It was not very long ago that the field of IT only consisted of a single computer operator who stored data on a magnetic tape and then placed it in storage. Times have changed drastically in the field of technology from its inception several years ago. The field today typically includes a Chief Information Officer and several individuals who work together to achieve their goals. Years ago there was simply a single operator who performed all the tasks related to this form of technology.

Today the job outlook for people interested in this field is very good. With data security and server specialists among the highest paid in the field, those with the needed skills and a keen interest in IT stand to earn a substantial annual income.

With the increasing concern for data storage and management, along with the security issues that most companies and corporations are facing, a career in IT is an excellent choice for those who possess mathematical and strategic planning skills.

Since 1961 the Information Technology Association of America has been working to enhance the interests of US technology and electronics industries. This association provides leadership training in areas relating to business development, public policy, market forecasting and standards of development to a large number of corporations. The ITAA provides a grassroots approach to global networking for companies, market and government from the smallest local level to a global audience.

It currently represents more than 16,000 information technological related companies throughout the world. Based in Washington, DC, the Information Technology Association of American is the only organization of its kind that helps to unite local, state, national and global businesses in the area of technology.

While technology today encompasses a wide range of individual focuses, it is becoming increasing clear that the IT field of the future will include many more topics and more demand than ever before. For those interested in becoming part of this rapidly growing field the time is now. Getting in on new developments could prove to be a very exciting and lucrative choice.

Source :

Sergey Brin

Sergey Brin (Co-Founder & President, Technology), Sergey Brin, a native of Moscow, received a bachelor of science degree with honors in mathematics and computer science from the University of Maryland at College Park. He is currently on leave from the Ph.D. program in computer science at Stanford University, where he received his master's degree. Sergey is a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship as well as an honorary MBA from Instituto de Empresa. It was at Stanford where he met Larry Page and worked on the project that became Google. Together they founded Google Inc. in 1998, and Sergey continues to share responsibility for day-to-day operations with Larry Page and Eric Schmidt.

Sergey's research interests include search engines, information extraction from unstructured sources, and data mining of large text collections and scientific data. He has published more than a dozen academic papers, including Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web; Dynamic Data Mining: A New Architecture for Data with High Dimensionality, which he published with Larry Page; Scalable Techniques for Mining Casual Structures; Dynamic Itemset Counting and Implication Rules for Market Basket Data; and Beyond Market Baskets: Generalizing Association Rules to Correlations.

Sergey has been a featured speaker at several international academic, business and technology forums, including the World Economic Forum and the Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference. He has shared his views on the technology industry and the future of search on the Charlie Rose Show, CNBC, and CNNfn. In 2004, he and Larry Page were named "Persons of the Week" by ABC World News Tonight.

Name :
Sergey Mikhailovich Brin

Born :
Moscow, Soviet Union, 21 Agust 1973

Occupation :
Co-founder and President of Technology of Google


Matrix Effect

Step. 1
Create a new document 980 x 100 with a white background

Step. 2
And then choose Filter > Texture > Grain
Use the below settings

Step. 3
Set your foreground colour to a bright green, and your background colour to black.

Step. 4
And then choose Filter > Artistic > Neon Glow
Use the below settings

Step. 5
And then choose Filter > Stylise > Glowing Edges

Step. 6
Your image should look like below!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Melihat Kebaikan dalam Segala Hal

Segala sesuatu yang diciptakan pasti memiliki tujuan dan nilai tersendiri. Tugas kita sebagai manusia adalah beribadah untuk mendapat ridha Allah. Bila kita dapat belajar melakukannya, kita dapat belajar mengasuh jiwa kita. Sangat mudah melihat kebaikan Allah dalam indahnya matahari terbit, gemerlapnya bulan dan bintang, senyum manis adik kita, pegunungan yang indah, atau deburan ombak yang menerpa karang dan pantai berpasir. Namun, dapatkah kita belajar menemukan kesucian dalam situasi yang tidak mengenakkan? Melalui cobaan hidup yang berat, tragedi keluarga, atau cobaan hidup?

Sebuah kisah yang dimuat surat kabar nasional menuturkan tentang perjuangan seorang ibu yang anaknya menderita penyakit Autis. Autis adalah gangguan perkembangan khususnya terjadi pada masa anak-anak, yang membuat seseorang tidak mampu mengadakan interaksi sosial dan seolah-olah hidup dalam dunianya sendiri. Sang ibu sangat marah, frustasi, dan kecewa saat tahu anaknya menderita Autis. Namun, dia segera sadar bahwa apa yang dilakukannya itu tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah. Kemudian dia mulai mempelajari masalah-masalah yang terkait dengan penyakit Autis. Mulai dari uji pendengaran BERA, EEG, sampai ke CT scan. Dengan penuh kegigihan, dia membawa anaknya itu ke Australia.

Tak ingin ditaklukan keadaan, pencariannya juga merambah ke dunia maya. Lewat internet, ia berkonsultasi dengan pakar Autis di luar negeri. Berbagai terapi dijalani; terapi wicara, terapi okupasi, terapi pendidikan khusus, sampai terapi diet. Dia juga berhasil menyabet gelar master Health Counseling dari Curtin University dan berhasil menulis tiga buah buku tentang Autis. Kejadian itu juga membuatnya untuk lebih dekat dengan anaknya dan juga mensyukuri nikmat yang telah diberikan-Nya.

Dari hasil telaahnya, anak Autis memiliki kelemahan dalam pendengaran, tetapi memiliki kelebihan dalam penglihatan. Gayatri – si ibu – kemudian mengeksplorasi kelebihan tadi. Bersama suami, ia memperkenalkan berbagai profesi berdasarkan kelebihan dalam penglihatan. Di kelas enam, Ananda – anaknya yang menderita Autis – mulai menekuni dunia fotografi. Kelak, ia ingin menjadi seorang fotografer. Ananda kini juga sudah mahir berbahasa Inggris.

Sahabatku, betapa agungnya Allah menciptakan semua ini. "(Allah) Yang menciptakan tujuh langit berlapis-lapis. Kamu sekali-kali tidak melihat pada ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah sesuatu yang tidak seimbang. Maka lihatlah berulang-ulang, adakah kamu lihat sesuatu yang tidak seimbang? Kemudian pandanglah sekali lagi niscaya penglihatanmu akan kembali kepadamu dengan tidak menemukan sesuatu cacat dan penglihatanmu itu pun dalam keadaan payah." (QS. al-Mulk: 3-4).

Bila hidup diisi dengan rasa rindu untuk melihat kesucian setiap hari, hal ajaib akan mulai terjadi. Suatu perasaan damai merekah. Bila kita sadar dunia ini hadir karena kekuasaan Allah, itu saja sudah memunculkan sesuatu yang istimewa. Bila kita ingat fakta spiritual ini ketika menghadapi orang yang sedang ditimpa kesulitan, hal ini akan memperluas sudut pandang kita. Ini akan selalu membantu kita untuk selalu mengingat Allah, baik dalam keadaan sempit maupun lapang. Kita benar-benar diberkahi untuk melakukan apa yang kita kerjakan.

Di suatu tempat, di dalam kepala kita, cobalah untuk mengingat bahwa ada kebaikan Allah dalam segala hal. Kenyataan bahwa kita tidak bisa melihat keindahan di dalam suatu hal bukanlah berarti keindahan itu tidak ada di dalamnya. Sebaliknya, itu berarti kita tidak cukup cermat mencarinya atau tidak memiliki sudut pandang yang cukup luas untuk melihatnya.

About Me

Ahmad Musthofa (Thofa)

Tempat, Tgl Lahir:
Semarang, 03 Desember 1987

Banjardowo Baru - Genuk - Semarang 50117


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